
IT services

IT consulting

System security and optimization, servers, networks, development.
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Cloud computing

Cloud server development, management, self-modification of resources.
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IT services

Multiple server systems, data storages, Business continuity.
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Data centers

Four-tier Data Centers.
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VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server), domains, email, website hosting.
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Managed IT Services

Monitoring, maintenance, optimization, security of your systems.
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Servers, work computers, network equipment and programs for sale.
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Development solutions, support for existing systems.
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Our experience

IT-based leaders not just on our listings, but also in our strengths.
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Contact us +370 37 209777, info@proservis.eu

Our address
Proservis 4
Proservis 3
Proservis 2
Proservis 1


"Quantum satis"

You get as much as you need. You pay for what you use. More

All in one

Integrated IT solutions for business from one hand. More

Know how

Strong team, leading technology. More

Self-service 24/7

You can manage a whole range of functions yourself. More

Monitoring 24/7

We detect faults faster than the customer. More

Help desk 24/7

We respond and solve problems ASAP. More

Customer reviews

Our manufactured, internet-controlled devices are installed worldwide – from the Kazakh steppe to the United States. It was often difficult to access equipment due to firewalls, changing IP addresses and other barriers. The solution implemented by UAB Proservis ensured a high-quality and secure connection with all equipment, provided the opportunity to manage the equipment themselves on the Internet.

UAB „Gratek”

We have been working together for over 10 years. UAB Proservis ensures server and IP telephony maintenance, promptly solves problems at any time of the day. Not only provides cloud computing-based solutions but also takes care of major server and software updates.

UAB „Teledema“

UAB Proservis takes care of our computers, company network and servers. We have saved on cloud computing because we pay only for the resources we use at that time.

AB „Specializuota komplektavimo valdyba”

We have been cooperating for more than 10 years. The company is doing its job well. Employees quickly react and answer all risen questions.

UAB „Mokam“
Director Algis Teišerskis

Since we moved our company’s accounting software to the cloud and started using NextCloud solution offered by UAB Proservis, employee scheduling, mutual communication, enterprise data management has risen to a much higher level.

UAB „Fegda“

Having passed corporate servers and computer maintenance to the hands of UAB Proservis, we can focus more on technology development. IT systems are monitored 24/7, we can expeditiously increase or reduce cloud resources. Comfortable, reliable, secure.

UAB „Energenas”

We are a Partner of Microsoft Axapta Gold. UAB Proservis not only provides cloud computing services, but also cooperates with Axapta related issues as well as system speed issues.